1997 - 1998 LEGISLATURE
June 11, 1997 - Introduced by Senators C. Potter, Wirch, Schultz, Breske, Rude
and Plache, cosponsored by Representatives Dobyns, Musser, Turner,
Schafer, Staskunas, Freese, Boyle, Handrick, Plouff
and Sykora. Referred
to Joint survey committee on Retirement Systems.
SB245,1,6 1An Act to amend 40.02 (7), 40.23 (2m) (e) 1., 40.23 (2m) (e) 2., 40.23 (2m) (e) 3.
2and 40.23 (2m) (e) 4. of the statutes; relating to: transferring funds in the fixed
3retirement investment trust of the Wisconsin retirement system and
4increasing the retirement formula multiplier for certain participating
5employes in the Wisconsin retirement system for creditable service earned
6before January 1, 1998.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill does all of the following:
1. Under current law, when a participant in the Wisconsin retirement system
(WRS) terminates covered employment and becomes eligible for a retirement
annuity, one of the ways in which the amount of his or her annuity is determined is
by multiplying the participant's final average earnings by the participant's years of
creditable service and by a percentage multiplier. For a protective occupation
participant who is covered by social security, an elected official and an executive
participating employe, the percentage multiplier is 2%. For a protective occupation
participant who is not covered by social security, the percentage multiplier is 2.5%.
For all other participants in the WRS, the percentage multiplier is 1.6%.
This bill increases the percentage multiplier for all classes of participants in the
WRS for creditable service that is earned before January 1, 1998. For a protective
occupation participant who is covered by social security, an elected official and an

executive participating employe, the percentage multiplier is increased to 2.2%. For
a protective occupation participant who is not covered by social security, the
percentage multiplier is increased to 2.7%. For all other participants in the WRS,
the percentage multiplier is increased to 1.8%. The increase in the percentage
multiplier first applies to participating employes in the WRS who terminate covered
employment on January 1, 1998, or on the effective date of the bill, whichever is later.
However, for all creditable service that is earned on or after January 1, 1998, the bill
provides that the current law percentage multipliers will apply.
2. Under current law, a fixed retirement investment trust (FRIT) and a variable
retirement investment trust are maintained within the public employe trust fund
under the management of the investment board. Within the FRIT, a transaction
amortization account (TAA) is maintained that is used for the purpose of smoothing
out fluctuations in unrecognized gains and losses in the value of FRIT assets. The
balance of the TAA closely parallels the difference between market value and the
adjusted book value of the assets. Annually, 20% of the balance of the TAA is
distributed to the fixed annuity reserve, the fixed employer accumulation reserve
and the fixed employe accumulation reserve.
This bill provides that on January 1, 1998, or on the effective date of this bill,
whichever is later, $2,100,000,000 is to be distributed from the TAA to the fixed
annuity reserve, the fixed employer accumulation reserve and the fixed employe
accumulation reserve in an amount equal to a percentage of the total distribution
determined by dividing each reserve's balance on the prior January 1 by the total
balance of the fixed retirement investment trust on the prior January 1. Under the
bill, the increase in the fixed employer accumulation reserve that results from the
distribution shall, on the recommendation of the actuary, be first applied to funding
any liabilities created by the bill, and the balance shall be equitably allocated among
employers that were participating employers under the WRS on December 31, 1997,
based on each employer's share of total covered payroll in 1997.
3. Under current law, the "assumed rate" is the probable average effective rate
that is expected to be earned for the FRIT on a long-term basis. Currently, the
assumed rate is a rate of 8% and the actuarial assumption for across-the-board
salary increases for the purpose of valuing the liabilities of the WRS is 1.9% less than
the assumed rate unless due to changed economic circumstances the actuary
recommends and the employe trust funds board approves a different rate. The
assumed rate for a calendar year is used for all calculations of required contributions
and reserves for WRS participants.
This bill increases the actuarial assumption for across-the-board salary
increases for the purpose of valuing the liabilities of the WRS from 1.9% less than
the assumed rate to 3% less than the assumed rate and requires the employe trust
funds board to calculate contributions to the WRS for calendar year 1998 no later
than March 1, 1998, or the first day of the 3rd month that begins after the effective
date of the bill, whichever is later.
This bill will be referred to the joint survey committee on retirement systems
for a detailed analysis, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.

For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB245, s. 1 1Section 1. 40.02 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB245,3,122 40.02 (7) "Assumed rate" means the probable average effective rate expected
3to be earned for the fixed annuity division on a long-term basis. The assumed rate
4shall be a rate of 7.5% and the actuarial assumption for across-the-board salary
5increases for the purpose of valuing the liabilities of the Wisconsin retirement system
6shall be 1.9% 3% less than the assumed rate unless due to changed economic
7circumstances the actuary recommends and the board approves a different rate. The
8assumed rate for a calendar year shall be used for all calculations of required
9contributions and reserves for participants, except as provided in s. 40.04 (4) (a) 2.
10and 2m., and the amount of any lump sum benefit paid instead of an annuity, except
11it shall not be used for any purpose for which the assumed benefit rate is to be used
12under sub. (6).
SB245, s. 2 13Section 2. 40.23 (2m) (e) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB245,3,1614 40.23 (2m) (e) 1. For each participant for creditable service of a type not
15otherwise specified in this paragraph that is earned before January 1, 1998, 1.8%;
16for such creditable service that is earned on or after January 1, 1998
, 1.6%.
SB245, s. 3 17Section 3. 40.23 (2m) (e) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB245,3,2018 40.23 (2m) (e) 2. For each participant for creditable service as an elected official
19or as an executive participating employe that is earned before January 1, 1998, 2.2%;
20for such creditable service that is earned on or after January 1, 1998
, 2%.
SB245, s. 4 21Section 4. 40.23 (2m) (e) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
140.23 (2m) (e) 3. For each participant subject to titles II and XVIII of the federal
2social security act, for service as a protective occupation participant that is earned
3before January 1, 1998, 2.2%; for such creditable service that is earned on or after
4January 1, 1998
, 2%.
SB245, s. 5 5Section 5. 40.23 (2m) (e) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB245,4,96 40.23 (2m) (e) 4. For each participant not subject to titles II and XVIII of the
7federal social security act, for service as a protective occupation participant that is
8earned before January 1, 1998, 2.7%; for such creditable service that is earned on or
9after January 1, 1998
, 2.5%.
SB245, s. 6 10Section 6. Nonstatutory provisions.
SB245,4,1211 (1) Transfer of funds from the transaction amortization account of the
12fixed retirement investment trust
SB245,4,1913 (a) On January 1, 1998, or on the effective date of this paragraph, whichever
14is later, $2,100,000,000 shall be distributed from the transaction amortization
15account of the fixed retirement investment trust to the employe accumulation,
16employer accumulation and annuity reserves of the fixed retirement investment
17trust in an amount equal to a percentage of the total distribution determined by
18dividing each reserve's balance on the prior January 1 by the total balance of the fixed
19retirement investment trust on the prior January 1.
SB245,4,2520 (b) The increase in the employer accumulation reserve that results from the
21distribution under paragraph (a) shall, on the recommendation of the actuary, be
22first applied to funding any liabilities created by this act, and the balance shall be
23equitably allocated among employers that were participating employers under the
24Wisconsin retirement system on December 31, 1997, based on each employer's share
25of total covered payroll in 1997.
1(c) The total amount distributed to the employe accumulation reserve under
2paragraph (a) shall be equitably credited to participants' accounts based on their
3account balances as of January 1, 1998. Any participant whose account is credited
4under this paragraph and whose annuity effective date is before January 1, 1999, or
5one year after the effective date of this paragraph, whichever is later, may not be
6included in any post-retirement surplus distribution under section 40.27 (2) of the
7statutes that is attributable to the distribution that is made to the annuity reserve
8under paragraph (a).
SB245,5,109 (d) The total amount distributed to the annuity reserve under paragraph (a )
10shall be distributed as provided under section 40.27 (2) of the statutes.
SB245,5,1111 (2) Determination of employer required contribution rate.
SB245,5,1512 (a) The employe trust funds board shall determine all Wisconsin retirement
13system contributions for calendar year 1998 no later than March 1, 1998, or the first
14day of the 3rd month that begins after the effective date of this subsection, whichever
15is later.
SB245, s. 7 16Section 7. Initial applicability.
SB245,5,2017 (1) The treatment of section 40.23 (2m) (e) 1. to 4. of the statutes first applies
18to participating employes under the Wisconsin retirement system who terminate
19covered employment on January 1, 1998, or on the effective date of this subsection,
20whichever is later.
SB245,5,2121 (End)